Our Guarantee

We’ll dedicate minimally one hour reviewing your entire situation for free.

Your unique situation and figures will build a Personalized Property Report “PPR” & Strategic Action Plan.
Even if you do not use our team, we will waive the report fee.  Guaranteed!


DPS Network is nearing two decades of providing homeowners with our in-house qualification system “PPR” Personalized Property Strategy Reports.  Whether we can help you or not, you will walk away with a realistic game plan to help you improve your situation.  We will not give you false hope, but honest unbiased solutions.

IF you want to keep your home or are not sure, this report will providewith the info you need to make an educated decision regarding your home and other finances.  We will calculate approximate modification payments, what income you will need to qualify, what current equity you do or do not have which will help you determinewhat steps are in your best interest.   If your lender has already denied your requests in the past,we will fight for your rights to be re-evaluated.